
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Just Created Myself a Blog! So What's Up

My name is Marsh Uele. Author and content contributor of this blog. I am very Pleased to welcome you here with me on this journey of seeking to know life and share discoveries with one another. I hope you will find the content presented here useful and worthy of your time.

A little More about myself

Born in the US Territory of American Samoa, an Island in the south Pacific. Married to a beautiful women who is a Mother of my four wonderful children.

I have no specific interest in anything in particular, but passionate about anything I see or come in contact with in many way. I have so many questions to ask in just about anything I see, but no one seems to consider answering them. So, I started answering them myself. So, my life is very much a long list of questions piling up everyday, with a short list of answers slowly catching up He he... :) ... And there you go, my journey begins.

Sharing rather than teaching is how I wanted things to be.

Sharing our insights and experience on life process, our existence, creation, and us included as life itself, makes much sense. Allowing our-self some time to realize what we are, and what is being human means, becomes very clear. This is about individually seeking the truth for our-self. Sharing what is true for you, is entirely your choice.  

This is not about me claiming myself as the all knowing. 

Not at all. This is not about religions, or any belief systems. This has nothing to do with all the religion scriptures out there. Please forgive me for I have no interest of seeking truth from any religion and their scriptures. I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve any of it. Being right or wrong is not the issue.

What I know, I know... What I don't Know, I don't know.

I speak only what I Know. The truth is just this; if I can perceive what it is through my own experience and involvement to all life as life myself, then surely, the possibility of knowing is there.

Therefore, speaking of what is not yet in my experience, is not true for me. So, I don't know. That I can not speak off, in any way as the truth. That's OK, I'm fine with that. What's the problem? 

There is nothing wrong with that. Simply say I don't Know. Now for me, I will naturally want to know. The only question is, do I have the courage to take the Journey. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

My Writing Style: Keep It Simple!

"My Writing Style Is as Simple as I am... The Simple Living Little Me..."

My writing styles is not to sound intelligent, but to get my point across. I naturally like to keep my writings simple, with a little tone of me and a sense of humor in the process. I simply want a reader to read and understand what’s the chitchat about.

Of course, I might find it a little harder sometimes to simplify some ideas in a simple writing format, and not to lose value of the message presented within it. At that point, I’ll just do what I can, the point must be clear… We can’t fix everything right?

Everyday language with simple words!

These words, the ones that we usually use to speak with in everyday life, are the best ones for me. I'm taking advantage of their simplicity and popularity to different levels of age groups... as I am assuming my readers are from all ages.

Nothing is more understandable than the language of everyday, which we speak and listen to daily. I don’t enjoy losing value of wonderful peace of information in terms we hardly speak of more often. Also, I love it when a seven-year-old reads and understand it.

Develop Your Writing Style

Simple sentence will not go unnoticed.

I always want to deliver a message in a very simple sentence. The most important thing is the idea to be easily understood by someone. I don’t mind using short and simple sentences in paragraphs, but it is effective to my understanding.

Unlike paragraphs up with long constructions that leave the reader wondering what my point is. You’ll noticed that I hardy use big, multi-syllable words just because it makes me looks smart:)

Write like I’m speaking!

I enjoy and love writing just about anything this way. I simply write it like I'm speaking to another person. In a way, it feels like I’m having a conversation with someone I enjoy talking to. When I find myself enjoying a conversation, making it interesting just naturally comes easily. Writing should also be enjoyable in such a way. Look, if my reader doesn't understand what I’m trying to get across, it's not their fault. It's mines.

A Little sense of humor

A little joke here and there is a good way to step back a little for seconds and loosen it up. I can’t imagine myself going through the day without a laugh along the way. It makes me enjoy writing and write well after a little laugh. It is natural that when we feel good we do good as well.

Brevity is difficult.

Writing something that's simple to understand is not at all that simple! But it's worth it. Plain-language is a sure way to make my writing readable. I usually apply the same rule on everything I pursue.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The More You Give The More You'll Receive.

"The Law Of The Universe: The Art Of Giving and Receiving..."

What you give is what you’ll get, not in the exact manner, but way more in value...! Whatever that is, and what it means to you... You are so giving it, with strong feelings of it, your heart moves you in doing it, and why fighting it? This is it! The art of giving.... only if there’s receiving!

Giving at free will... Straight from the heart!

Give it when your heart moves you to do it, because your heart’s doing can never be wrong. When you feel it, just do it, it is that simple! It is not an act of your un-ease mind, that’s all messy with too much thinking, calculation’s, questions, and uncertainty. This is an act of goodness that flows freely from your heart’s free will. It has no origin or beginning, and has no stop or ending. It flows continuously like a river, or circulation of the wind, or what we call the circle of life.

When the act of giving is joyful, when it is unconditional and from the heart, then the energy behind the giving increases many times over. This doesn’t have to be in the form of material things. The gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don’t cost you anything.

You may say, “How can I give to others when I don’t have enough myself?” You can bring a note that says something about your feelings for the person you’re visiting. You can bring a flower, a compliment, or a prayer.

There is nothing you lack, because your essential nature is one of pure potentiality and infinite possibilities. You are inherently affluent no matter how much or how little money you have, because the source of all wealth is the field of pure potentially that knows how to fill every need.

Wherever you go, and whomever you encounter, you will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today, you will give something to everyone you come into contact with, and so you will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth, and affluence in your life and in the lives of others.

Receiving: Be gratefully receive what’s coming your way.

When receiving a gift from someone, take it with thankfulness and appreciation from the bottom of your heart. Let your heart opens up a thankful welcome, and blessedness respond in appreciation of what you have received. Everything that comes to you, isn’t something you earn, but a gift freely given by the universe, which means it comes from a deep awareness of what you need.

Think of all the things that have been freely given to you without your having to ask for them. Just experiencing gratitude allows you to participate in the law of Giving and Receiving. Nature supports your every need and desire, including your need for joy, love, laughter, harmony, and knowledge. Seek these things first—not only for yourself, but for others—and all else will spontaneously come to you.

Today you will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer you. You will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight, the sound of birds singing, the sun, or the rain. You will also be open to receiving from others, whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment, or a prayer.

So, giving and receiving needs each others participation in the flow of life. There must be a receiving in order to give, and vice versa. Maintain this flow and so you will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth, and affluence in your life and in the lives of others.

Abundance has material expression, but what is really circulating is consciousness. Even the thought of giving, the thought of blessing, or a simple prayer has the power to affect others. Similarly, receiving gratefully, appreciations, thankfulness has the same expression as giving. We are bundles of thought in a thinking universe, and thought has the power to transform.

Giving and receiving are nothing other than the flow of life—the harmonious interaction of all elements and forces that structure the field of existence. The exchange of energy is the process that has its own timing, organization and beauty. Your life unfolds in the same way.

Is based on the fact that everything in the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Every relationship is one of give and take because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. If we stop the flow of energy, we interfere with nature’s intelligence. We must give and receive in order to keep money, or anything we want, circulating in our lives.

Currency, our word for money, derives from a Latin word meaning “to run or flow.” Money is a symbol of the life energy we give and the life energy we receive as a result of the service we provide to others. Like a river, money must keep flowing, otherwise it begins to clog and stagnate. Circulation keeps it alive and vital. If we stop the circulation of life energy, if our intention is to hold on to our money and hoard it, we stop its circulation back into our lives.

You will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in your life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Each time you meet someone, you will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Spend Money on Everything That Fulfills You

The humans of the earth have a habit of spending their hard-earned money on things that do not please them, but their society.

The wedding celebration is one of those things that requires a lot of money, but it ends up being a waste, at least partially if not entirely. The bigger the status of a family, the greater are their expenses on a wedding. For some people, a celebration turns out to be a nightmare. So much so, that they end up taking loans just to celebrate an occasion that could have been done in a simple, yet enjoyable manner.

The youth these days is more interested in spending more on their honeymoon and lifelong travel plans rather than one day of marriage celebration, which is just an example of extravagance.

Spending money on travel

Going to a new city is not just seeing new sights; it is the emotional fulfillment that matters.

Traveling to the serene hills and soul-quenching beaches can be the best thing in the world. You can put aside some money every month from your earnings to fulfill your travel plans.

When you talk to a monk in a Buddhist monastery, you will have much more clarity about his religion. When you hear your voice echoing from the depth of the mountains, it will reverberate in your heart.

When you go for scuba diving in the ocean, you will test the potential of your abilities.

When you let yourself fly from a height of 7,000 feet in a tandem Paraglide, you will feel the air touching your face in the purest form, and those few minutes will relieve your soul from the world.

Among many other things in the world that gratify your mind and heart, travel can liberate you the most.

Spending money on education
Educating yourself as well as others is a part of emotional fulfillment that people often seek.

When you have money, you love to spend it on things that amuse you. However, it gives another level of satisfaction when you make a few expenses for the sake of others.

Try teaching your children or those of others; it enlighten your mind a notch higher. Many travelers around the world become part-time teachers in whichever city they go. They seek satisfaction in teaching the underprivileged kids or simply impart a skill that they know, but other adults in the society do not.

Receiving and giving education is something that keeps millions of travelers going, be it in the form of academic knowledge, culinary skills, or martial arts.
A wedding is just one instance of wasteful expenditure; people can manage many other things in much less money than they expend. The money and resources that they save are worthy enough to be used in much better places.

Momentary happiness is one thing and seeking a lifetime of bliss is another. You can be there at the mountaintop in the Himalayas and still feel the discontent in your heart. On the other hand, you can cook a pizza for your family and friends to attain immense happiness that you always wanted.

You should always do the soul-searching to realize what makes you happy and satisfied. It is of no use doing things for other's sake, be it anyone in the world, if it does not soothe your mind.

In the end, it is you who would evaluate your life and judge its worth. If you can bring a smile on your face while thinking of all the years you have spent till now; your life was absolutely worth living.

Spending Money For The Wrong Reason

There are many people who just can`t control their spending habits. And this only becomes a problem when other areas in life begin to suffer. This suffering can be intrinsic, financial or just in general whether it`s with family, friends or work. There are often reasons why someone has the need to spend and it`s often when those issues are addressed, that the over-spending stops.

Spending money can become like an addiction. It can be so habit forming that it becomes who you are and what your routine looks like. You might be in the habit of going to the store and buying whatever you like and over buying on things, just because you can at the time. Often a shopper with a problem will buy on impulse and will buy in quantity or quality. That means that they may be able to buy four dresses without trying them on, or they may have no thoughts against buying an item not needed even when it costs too much money.

Feeling like you have an addiction to spending money means that after you make your purchases, you feel over-whelmed with guilt and grief. You might get home and not even know what possessed you to buy some of the things you did, but might feel too ashamed to take them back.

When you have family members and friends that are questioning your spending money, you might have some insight into what they see. Often you may not notice how other people view you because they do not say anything, but when they do voice an opinion, it may be time to listen to what they have to say.

Spending money on items that you may not need can take a heavy financial burden on you and your family. You might be neglecting on important items or bills in order to pay for impulsive items. This kind of stress can put a heavy toll on someone living alone, or in a family. Financial stress is one of the number one causes behind divorces.

There might be a breaking point, where your family breaks up, or your financial walls have come crumbling down around you where you address that you need help. There are ways to battle the addiction of over-spending and it just takes some quick soul searching. Many times buying items comforts us in some way. It makes us feel good to buy new items and spend money, there is a little piece of heaven attached to it. However, you have to ask yourself if you only buy things when you need comforting. This is an important issue to address. 

Do you run to the mall when you feel bad about something? Do you over spend on groceries when you know you can`t afford it?

Some strict self-discipline needs to take place for change to occur. You can talk with your doctor about seeing someone for counseling to deal with the emotional issues. You can also contact your bank and make an appointment to talk to someone. Your banking professional can give you a monthly budget and help you look at ways to pay off bills and save money.

Often changing the way you think, can alter your spending desires. Take a temporary second job and start collecting the money in a separate account. When you go shopping you will begin to think about the items you are buying and how much they cost and how much work you had to do to pay for those individual items. Start to buy the things you need in cash, leave the debit card at home and find other ways to comfort yourself when you need it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What a Life! We always say it...

Don't Let Life Happen To You!

We always look at death as a dreadful thing to happen to ourselves and to our loved ones, but why should we?.... That’s out of our control. If anything, we had never thought of the fear in not beginning to live. We deserve to live life the way we desire and live it with joyfulness, happiness and peacefulness. Fear of living life the way you want has become our life choice unconsciously. It’s just an illusion that we perceived success as; unfamiliar responsibility, becoming someone we are not, and never maintaining that success. We program ourselves to stay put in a position where we understand things, have become used to it and are now far too comfortable in our situation.... Even if we are unhappy with it.

At the end or towards the end of something, we tend to draw towards the urge to reflect on our past, as we like to look back on the accomplishments and look forward for a new beginning of something. It's also a time to reflect on our lives and ensure that we are living the life we want. It could be the end of school, the end of the month, or the end of the year. It could be the end of a project or the end of a career, or the worse, the end of your income because you just got fired by your boss.

Even though I consider this sickness, I’ll say it anyways, for the sake of honesty. It's easy to look at ones life and be happy with where you are. The sickness is happiness in comparison with others. You have a good job, a spouse or significant other, children, a nice car, and all of the trappings of success. Clearly you are well on your way to success. But the real question is, are you happy with what you are doing?

We always look outside of ourselves when we need answers, but never within. The whole happiness and sadness thing is just this; The only reason why you are sad, is because you think life is not happening the way you think life should happen. Similarly, if life happens the way you think it should happen, then you’re happy. That’s all there is to it.

No, this is not an article about the spiritual side of your life. Normally these articles focus all of the attention on management and leadership concepts that you can use to shape your career, improve your performance, and move up the ladder of success. But as we head towards the end of this year’s first half, I think it is important to take a step back and make sure that the path we are on is the right path for us.

You see life has a way of just happening to people. Your first job tends to be the job that you were first offered, in an industry that may or may not really interest you, doing what you may or may not have a real talent in. Your career then tends to grow from there. You get promoted or change companies, but tend to stay with what you are familiar with and what you have done in the past. Months turn into years and at some point in time you find that you are on a career path that you never really intended to be on at all. It may be a great, wonderful career path doing all of the things that are important to you, or it may be a path where you have had some successes, but don't find inspiring.

In short, your life has been on autopilot. That is when you know that life has happened to you.

You didn't plan to be where you are. And while you are not unhappy with where you are, you are not happy with it either. It does not speak to your inner being.

The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. - Richard Leider

As you sit down in the coming weeks to plan your new years resolutions, take a few extra minutes to think about where you are in your life and where you are in your career. If you have not made a life plan in the past, start one now. Identify your core values. Identify what is important to you in life and in your career. Figure out were you want to be in 10 years and make sure your current path will take you there.

Your life is a fairy tale, with the journey unscripted. Take control of your life and write your own script. Understand your desires and passions and build a plan for your life that will be a source of happiness and pride. It may be in management and leadership. It may be in the arts. But whatever it is, make sure that you control your life and that your life does not just happen to you.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

What a Small World! Isn't I't?

Globalization and Technology speeds up time 

This illusion of us feeling the world getting smaller, mainly influence by our perceptions of speed, time and space, giving us the impression of a small place, which is indeed appeal as it is a small world. Technology, the engine that powered the integration of Nations, countries, and societies, work hand in hand with globalization. These two things empowered the simplicity of continuous speed of massive activities all over the world. These capabilities of instantly moving the people, cultures, ideas, knowledge, products and capitals, easily moving across the globe.The world wide web is a virtual image of earth right now. Just like how all web sites links to each other on the Internet, global integration of all nations, countries and societies links together to and with each others in real time. With the technological capabilities we have today, people in a faraway lands do not have to wait days or weeks to communicate with each other and exchange items. These sorts of global transactions can occur instantly, in real time.

Time speeds up faster as you get older

When I was at my young age, These three little phrases I told myself I would never speak of it. I was tired of hearing it from Older Folks in my family, repeating themselves every time they hang around chilling: “The good old times...” “Back in the days...” “When I was your age...” And the worse thing about it, they were obsessed with those phrases. Oh well, look at me now, As I am now undeniably in the category of getting into that age group, I am guilty and admit that I find myself seriously using these three phrases more often than I’d like. Is kind of unbelievable but fascinating,  realizing how everything is changing so quickly, I just can’t help but chatting at these changes aloud. 

The realization of time increasingly speeding up life.

I’m sure you’re aware of how it feels like the world is getting smaller and smaller as time passing by. Einstein's theory of special relativity proves that time is speeding up faster than ever, in our sense of speedy movement in relativity to the speed of earth, moon, and the sun. For the sake of simplicity, here’s the feeling I’m experiencing right now! “Back in the days"... Our human race was started from growling like a baby for the longest period of time. Then it was slowly transition into strolling at one generation, followed by a generation of walking with a purpose. Then the power walk into the jogging generation. and all of the sudden everyone runs..... ha ha! Man I can’t help it, looking at how close we are at the sprinting generation is just mind-boggling. 
Self-sufficient country who is capable of handling themselves, eventually melted to interdependent global

It was not that long ago, whereas in the past some nations or societies could stand alone and be self-sufficient. Whatever situation a neighbor country is facing, good or bad is their business. No Other neighbor countries shows any concerns, worries, or fear of the situation, because nothing will affect them....”The good old days”... That’s not the case anymore nowadays! One Country’s careless actions, wrong doing, or disasters is every other countries concerns. Our world is evolving into a Nation of one, and its citizenship... Thinking of the world becoming a one nation? ...”When I was at your age...” This sounds small, and defiantly feels very small. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Our right to believe, speak and think in a certain way!

Hello, my name is Marsh Uele, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to my blog. I created this blog with hope someone will read and find it useful. I sincerely hope, you'll find some value of use for yourself. Who knows, maybe you'll see and recognize a whole new way of viewing things, that others don't see. There's always something each one us have, that others don't. We can also ignite greater ideas within each other, that all will benefit from it.

So my friend, we see ourselves as the origin soul of the next good thing. I believe, that is you, myself, and everyone else around us, are all contributing in creating things that we each desired, which in turn, give more to life.

Do not accept the idea of identifying me as a teacher, waiting here to lecture you. I demand no such things, because really, I'm not. We all have something to share with each other, and hopefully we all benefit from it.

My thoughts and ideas are only here to be shared as my own believes, as the same way I'll be viewing yours, and everyone else. This is how I look at things from my own point of view. This is what I believe and is true to myself. This is the same to you too. You also have your own way of thinking and how you view things from your own perspective. Which is also true to you. And I tend to believe that You should believe that you are right! And I see no wrong with that.

Myself, you, and everyone else shares the same truth and rights to our own believes. I should clearly communicate no right to say you're wrong. It is yours! And only you that have the right to judge your own believes. I valued and respect others believes the same way I viewed mines. Sharing at free will is my true faith in all that has created.

To disagree and prove ones view wrong will do no good to me, you or anyone else. Such idea will only lead us all to limitations towards greater advancement of our existence. We must not limit our ability to continue the flow of our creative thoughts. Allowing these selfish acts and way of thinking towards our intelligence, is just another way of saying, lets trap ourselves within our own present situations.

Instead, it is to our best interest to be open minded and open our hearts to understand others ideas and view things from their perspective. Saying that, It does not mean I have to agree or disagree, but to freely allowing ourselves more excess to new possibilities.

And that's a good thing. Knowing that it is not my place to prove anyone wrong, gives us unlimited excess to view and understand the origin of others perspectives. If you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should give it a shot. You'll never know, it might give you a whole new perspective of things. There's always something others have that you never knew before. Sometimes, knowing something new, can create a whole new thing, which was unknown before.

The new thing! I said thing, because the unknown product is new, and its role and function to life is yet to be fully understood, and shared for even more possibility of expanding life. Notice how life expands itself? And the origin of its expansion? I hope we all agree, that it all starts with us.

All things starts with us. It starts with you, me, others. All things we now possess, and use to live life with happiness, were all started from a our creative thoughts. We thought of what we want, we believe in it, our creative thoughts create an image and by communicating it to the unseen source of creation, and all elements of life start aligning itself in forming and bring what we desired into existence.

Hopefully you are still here and keep an open mind about this. As of right now, my intentions were to established and understanding between us, our believes and possibilities, for greater advancement of ourselves.

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