
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What a Life! We always say it...

Don't Let Life Happen To You!

We always look at death as a dreadful thing to happen to ourselves and to our loved ones, but why should we?.... That’s out of our control. If anything, we had never thought of the fear in not beginning to live. We deserve to live life the way we desire and live it with joyfulness, happiness and peacefulness. Fear of living life the way you want has become our life choice unconsciously. It’s just an illusion that we perceived success as; unfamiliar responsibility, becoming someone we are not, and never maintaining that success. We program ourselves to stay put in a position where we understand things, have become used to it and are now far too comfortable in our situation.... Even if we are unhappy with it.

At the end or towards the end of something, we tend to draw towards the urge to reflect on our past, as we like to look back on the accomplishments and look forward for a new beginning of something. It's also a time to reflect on our lives and ensure that we are living the life we want. It could be the end of school, the end of the month, or the end of the year. It could be the end of a project or the end of a career, or the worse, the end of your income because you just got fired by your boss.

Even though I consider this sickness, I’ll say it anyways, for the sake of honesty. It's easy to look at ones life and be happy with where you are. The sickness is happiness in comparison with others. You have a good job, a spouse or significant other, children, a nice car, and all of the trappings of success. Clearly you are well on your way to success. But the real question is, are you happy with what you are doing?

We always look outside of ourselves when we need answers, but never within. The whole happiness and sadness thing is just this; The only reason why you are sad, is because you think life is not happening the way you think life should happen. Similarly, if life happens the way you think it should happen, then you’re happy. That’s all there is to it.

No, this is not an article about the spiritual side of your life. Normally these articles focus all of the attention on management and leadership concepts that you can use to shape your career, improve your performance, and move up the ladder of success. But as we head towards the end of this year’s first half, I think it is important to take a step back and make sure that the path we are on is the right path for us.

You see life has a way of just happening to people. Your first job tends to be the job that you were first offered, in an industry that may or may not really interest you, doing what you may or may not have a real talent in. Your career then tends to grow from there. You get promoted or change companies, but tend to stay with what you are familiar with and what you have done in the past. Months turn into years and at some point in time you find that you are on a career path that you never really intended to be on at all. It may be a great, wonderful career path doing all of the things that are important to you, or it may be a path where you have had some successes, but don't find inspiring.

In short, your life has been on autopilot. That is when you know that life has happened to you.

You didn't plan to be where you are. And while you are not unhappy with where you are, you are not happy with it either. It does not speak to your inner being.

The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. - Richard Leider

As you sit down in the coming weeks to plan your new years resolutions, take a few extra minutes to think about where you are in your life and where you are in your career. If you have not made a life plan in the past, start one now. Identify your core values. Identify what is important to you in life and in your career. Figure out were you want to be in 10 years and make sure your current path will take you there.

Your life is a fairy tale, with the journey unscripted. Take control of your life and write your own script. Understand your desires and passions and build a plan for your life that will be a source of happiness and pride. It may be in management and leadership. It may be in the arts. But whatever it is, make sure that you control your life and that your life does not just happen to you.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

What a Small World! Isn't I't?

Globalization and Technology speeds up time 

This illusion of us feeling the world getting smaller, mainly influence by our perceptions of speed, time and space, giving us the impression of a small place, which is indeed appeal as it is a small world. Technology, the engine that powered the integration of Nations, countries, and societies, work hand in hand with globalization. These two things empowered the simplicity of continuous speed of massive activities all over the world. These capabilities of instantly moving the people, cultures, ideas, knowledge, products and capitals, easily moving across the globe.The world wide web is a virtual image of earth right now. Just like how all web sites links to each other on the Internet, global integration of all nations, countries and societies links together to and with each others in real time. With the technological capabilities we have today, people in a faraway lands do not have to wait days or weeks to communicate with each other and exchange items. These sorts of global transactions can occur instantly, in real time.

Time speeds up faster as you get older

When I was at my young age, These three little phrases I told myself I would never speak of it. I was tired of hearing it from Older Folks in my family, repeating themselves every time they hang around chilling: “The good old times...” “Back in the days...” “When I was your age...” And the worse thing about it, they were obsessed with those phrases. Oh well, look at me now, As I am now undeniably in the category of getting into that age group, I am guilty and admit that I find myself seriously using these three phrases more often than I’d like. Is kind of unbelievable but fascinating,  realizing how everything is changing so quickly, I just can’t help but chatting at these changes aloud. 

The realization of time increasingly speeding up life.

I’m sure you’re aware of how it feels like the world is getting smaller and smaller as time passing by. Einstein's theory of special relativity proves that time is speeding up faster than ever, in our sense of speedy movement in relativity to the speed of earth, moon, and the sun. For the sake of simplicity, here’s the feeling I’m experiencing right now! “Back in the days"... Our human race was started from growling like a baby for the longest period of time. Then it was slowly transition into strolling at one generation, followed by a generation of walking with a purpose. Then the power walk into the jogging generation. and all of the sudden everyone runs..... ha ha! Man I can’t help it, looking at how close we are at the sprinting generation is just mind-boggling. 
Self-sufficient country who is capable of handling themselves, eventually melted to interdependent global

It was not that long ago, whereas in the past some nations or societies could stand alone and be self-sufficient. Whatever situation a neighbor country is facing, good or bad is their business. No Other neighbor countries shows any concerns, worries, or fear of the situation, because nothing will affect them....”The good old days”... That’s not the case anymore nowadays! One Country’s careless actions, wrong doing, or disasters is every other countries concerns. Our world is evolving into a Nation of one, and its citizenship... Thinking of the world becoming a one nation? ...”When I was at your age...” This sounds small, and defiantly feels very small. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Our right to believe, speak and think in a certain way!

Hello, my name is Marsh Uele, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to my blog. I created this blog with hope someone will read and find it useful. I sincerely hope, you'll find some value of use for yourself. Who knows, maybe you'll see and recognize a whole new way of viewing things, that others don't see. There's always something each one us have, that others don't. We can also ignite greater ideas within each other, that all will benefit from it.

So my friend, we see ourselves as the origin soul of the next good thing. I believe, that is you, myself, and everyone else around us, are all contributing in creating things that we each desired, which in turn, give more to life.

Do not accept the idea of identifying me as a teacher, waiting here to lecture you. I demand no such things, because really, I'm not. We all have something to share with each other, and hopefully we all benefit from it.

My thoughts and ideas are only here to be shared as my own believes, as the same way I'll be viewing yours, and everyone else. This is how I look at things from my own point of view. This is what I believe and is true to myself. This is the same to you too. You also have your own way of thinking and how you view things from your own perspective. Which is also true to you. And I tend to believe that You should believe that you are right! And I see no wrong with that.

Myself, you, and everyone else shares the same truth and rights to our own believes. I should clearly communicate no right to say you're wrong. It is yours! And only you that have the right to judge your own believes. I valued and respect others believes the same way I viewed mines. Sharing at free will is my true faith in all that has created.

To disagree and prove ones view wrong will do no good to me, you or anyone else. Such idea will only lead us all to limitations towards greater advancement of our existence. We must not limit our ability to continue the flow of our creative thoughts. Allowing these selfish acts and way of thinking towards our intelligence, is just another way of saying, lets trap ourselves within our own present situations.

Instead, it is to our best interest to be open minded and open our hearts to understand others ideas and view things from their perspective. Saying that, It does not mean I have to agree or disagree, but to freely allowing ourselves more excess to new possibilities.

And that's a good thing. Knowing that it is not my place to prove anyone wrong, gives us unlimited excess to view and understand the origin of others perspectives. If you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should give it a shot. You'll never know, it might give you a whole new perspective of things. There's always something others have that you never knew before. Sometimes, knowing something new, can create a whole new thing, which was unknown before.

The new thing! I said thing, because the unknown product is new, and its role and function to life is yet to be fully understood, and shared for even more possibility of expanding life. Notice how life expands itself? And the origin of its expansion? I hope we all agree, that it all starts with us.

All things starts with us. It starts with you, me, others. All things we now possess, and use to live life with happiness, were all started from a our creative thoughts. We thought of what we want, we believe in it, our creative thoughts create an image and by communicating it to the unseen source of creation, and all elements of life start aligning itself in forming and bring what we desired into existence.

Hopefully you are still here and keep an open mind about this. As of right now, my intentions were to established and understanding between us, our believes and possibilities, for greater advancement of ourselves.

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